17 February

3 easy steps to landing an incredible role in PR

Feeling pulled towards a career in public relations? Great choice! PR is one of the most rewarding careers a person can have. Not only is it a versatile career path where you can match your passions to your job, but it also gives you the opportunity to meet interesting people and make a difference in the world.

Now, this industry is fast-paced, always evolving and highly competitive. But you're up for the challenge, right?

When you enroll on Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations with Arranged Work Experience you gain invaluable practical PR skills, plus everything they don't teach you in college - including how to ace your job interviews, move up quickly and make a name for yourself.

This is the inside track. Hop on and see what we can create together.


As a student in Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations with Arranged Work Experience, you prepare a real-life public relations brief, covering all aspects of effective public relations. It’s a win-win situation! You gain practical skills and learn how to do the job while developing your PR work portfolio! After 3 months in class, you get the opportunity to pitch your project briefs to your trainers just like real public relations professionals would pitch to clients. Sounds great, right?


Do you feel like you’re not even close to getting your dream job and internship? Well...here's your membership card. A special feature of Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations with Arranged Work Experience course is the time devoted to your personal development. It commences with an initial personal interview with Fitzwilliam Institute’s placement officer to assess, discuss and establish your future goals and aspirations within the public relations industry. Intensive interview techniques, communications skills, team building skills workshops, interview to camera, video playback, and presentation skills follow, enabling you to hone your confidence. Careful preparation of your Curriculum Vitae, so that you have a clear and well-presented CV to submit to potential employers is a key part of this essential process.


To date, we successfully placed hundreds of PR professionals within the industry. You should be one of them. Fitzwilliam Institute’s experienced and highly professional placement officer will work with you throughout the course to help you secure a 3-month full-time work placement within the public relations industry sector. This is 100% guaranteed and arranged by the Institute, as we work closely with some of Ireland’s leading public relations companies and professionals from across the sector (see some of the most recent placement companies here). A large percentage of our course participants secure full-time positions within the public relations industry sector upon completion of this course. As a result of over a decade providing practical training to the industry, a significant number of our graduates are senior figures in the public relations industry today. See some of the most recent student success stories here.

Ready to start? We are now accepting applications for our September 24th, 2018 intake:

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations with Arranged Work Experience

Start Date: 24th September 2018

Duration: 3 months in-class + 3 months arranged work experience

Please apply here.

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