Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management with PR, Online PR, Social Media and Arranged Work Experience modules (Full Time Course - 6 Months)

start date: 15 September 2025

Delivered interactively by Ireland’s leading industry professionals, Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management with Arranged Work Experience course takes place in Dublin City Centre and features:

  • 3 Months in-class training, with interactive modules covering all aspects of the event management lifecycle: Interpreting the Event Management Client Brief, Event Management Planning, Event Planning Documentation, Coordinating Events, Event Logistics Management, Marketing the Event, Event HR, Event Team Management, Event Budget Planning, Event Legal and Risk Management, Corporate Event Management, Conference Event Management, etc. In addition, in-depth Public Relations, Online Public Relations and Social Media modules are included in this extensive course.
  • Practical skills training delivery from leading industry professionals. All of Fitzwilliam Institute’s event management trainers are top industry professionals with many years of successful experience in a broad range of events disciplines. Fitzwilliam Institute’s event management course contains all the core and vital events industry key skillset and, on completion, all of our students are industry-ready. This training program also features a number of guest speakers from the events industry.
  • Real life event briefs. You will gain exposure to a broad range of event types and prepare several real life event briefs, enabling you to develop your portfolio of events. Pitching to clients follows as you prepare, present and pitch your project briefs like event management professionals. Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management is a unique course, which will provide you with a wealth of hands-on experience, an invaluable toolkit, and the chance to put them all into practice during your 3 months arranged work placement.
  • Site visits. During Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management course you will visit many of Ireland’s top event venues and meet Ireland’s leading event managers, gaining invaluable industry insights and contacts.
  • The live event. Your practical skills training will culminate in the creation, planning, marketing, delivery and debriefing of a real life event, based in Dublin, for a real life client.
  • CV preparation and interview techniques. A special feature of our course model is the time devoted to your personal development. Commencing with an initial personal interview with Fitzwilliam Institute’s placement officer to assess, discuss and establish your future goals and aspirations within the events industry, vital intensive interview techniques, communications skills, team building skills workshops, interview to camera, video playback, and presentation skills continue from this, enabling you to hone your industry confidence. Careful preparation of your Curriculum Vitae, so that you have a clear and well-presented CV to submit to potential employers is a key part of this essential process.
  • 3 Months of arranged work experience with leading event companies and event management departments. Fitzwilliam Institute’s placement officer will work with you throughout the course to help you secure a 3 month full-time work placement within the events industry sector. This is 100% guaranteed and arranged by the Institute, as we work closely with some of Ireland’s leading event management companies and professionals out there. A large percentage of our course participants secure full-time positions within the events industry sector upon completion of this course. As a result of over a decade providing practical training to the industry, a significant number of our graduates are senior figures in the event management industry today. See some of their success stories here.
start date: 15 September 2025

Introduction to Event Management

The Role of the Event Manager; Event Management Overview; Festivals in Ireland;

Event Management Budgets

Budgets: Revenue & Expenses; Preparing a Budget; Good Planning and Budgeting; Budgets: From an idea to a budget; Budget Planning: Comprehensive list of requirements;

Event Management Planning
Managing event planning Schedules; Feasibility studies; Identifying event goals and listing objectives; Event organisational charts; Duty rosters; Record keeping mechanisms; Recruitment; Reviewing event contracts and agreements; Troubleshooting event co-ordination; Creation and presentation of proposals to clients;

Co-ordinating Events
Developing creative elements; Scheduling entertainment; Site planning and inspection; Analysis and management of the registration and admission process; Providing adequate event security; Planning event protocol requirements; Coordinating event speakers with additional entertainment for maximum effect; Identifying appropriate food and beverage menus; Event contingency planning.

Event Logistics Management

Key elements of site planning and inspection; Planning event protocol requirements for the team and client; Sourcing audio visual and technical support; Creating activity timelines for running the event activities;

Event Legal and Risk Management
Budgeting; Forecasting expenditure; Compiling and understanding event contracts; Managing Health and Safety; Event risk assessment; Copyright and trademark considerations; Event ethical practice;

Marketing the Event
The Mixes (marketing and promotions); The marketing plan; SWOT; Target market; Segmentation; Positioning and key messages; Competition; Strategy; Inbound Marketing; Outbound Marketing; Channels; Measurement;


Introduction to the principals of sponsorship; How sponsorship fits into the marketing strategy and practical engagement for the sponsor; Preparing your sponsorship property for sale; Identifying and researching prospects; 

Getting your foot in the door; Top Tips for your sponsorship campaign; Guidelines for the proposal; 

Corporate Event Management
Corporate events integration; Organising local and global corporate events; Corporate event types; Events as corporate motivators; Managing important corporate events; Developing corporate events; Organising corporate hospitality; Negotiating event investment returns; Managing event costs;

Organising Conferences

Determine conference goals and objectives; Managing speaker requirements; Choosing conference sites and locations; Working to a budget with a goal to earn a profit; Developing marketing strategies for your target group; Creating a feedback form to evaluate the effectiveness of the event;

Festival and Outdoor Events

The event product; The event location; Cultural tourism; Festivals; Categories of festivals; Festivals in Ireland;

Charity and Fundraising Event Management

What is a charity event; The perception of charity organisations; The reality of charity organisations; The skills of a Charity Event Manager; Day to Day Job; Management of Volunteers; Types of charity events; The stages of charity events; Sponsorship; Marketing; Prize Solicitations; Supplier Management; Press and Publicity; Debrief;

Sports Event Management
Event Media Marketing and Management; Event Sponsorship; Managing Hospitality; Operating Strategy; Organising Staff; Admissions Management; Compliance and Protocol Procedures; Planning Awards Ceremonies.

Government, Civic and Political Events
Planning for major social and political events; Event sponsorship; Managing VIPs; Developing major political events;

Celebrity and PR Events

Organising celebrity events; Concerts and launches; Television related events and ceremonies; Fashion shows; National festivals, galas, special themed events; Online event launches; Dealing with celebrity agents; Handling celebrity wish lists; Fireworks displays;

Exhibition Management
Researching markets; Resourcing the exhibition; Effective marketing strategies; Key promotional planning; Audience communication;

Event Management Evaluation and Reporting

Why evaluate and measure; Evaluation: Feedback Control Systems; Feedback from attendees; Staff de-briefings; financial records; Measurement; Event Reports;

Green Event Management

Definition of Green Event Management; Guidelines for a greener event; Principles; Benefits; Schemes to adhere to; Types of green events; Green Venues;

Marketing the Event
The Mixes (marketing and promotions); The marketing plan; SWOT; Target market; Segmentation; Positioning and key messages; Competition; Strategy; Inbound Marketing; Outbound Marketing; Channels; Measurement;

Digital Marketing

SEO; Content Marketing; Email marketing; Mobile marketing; PPC Advertising; Website Promotions;

Public Relations
Sponsorship; Internal PR functions; Corporate image; Press and broadcast media relations; Client relationships; Internal PR; Commissioning and briefing photographers; Supplying material to the press/Getting material onto TV and radio; Organising seminars, exhibitions and conferences; Audio/visual aids; Writing skills - press releases, writing feature articles for the press; In-house journals and newsletters; Crisis management; Corporate advertising; Brochures and printing;

Online Public Relations

The Social Media Landscape; The Internet as a Media; Online PR building blocks; Social Media and PR strategy; Online Influences on Present PR Practices;

Social Media

Introduction to Social Media and Social Networking; How Social Media is transforming the way we do business; Facebook;  Twitter;  LinkedIn; YouTube; Instagram; Snapchat; Running a social media marketing campaign; Measuring the success of social media marketing;

Websites, WordPress & IT Skills

Creating a website; Website Content and Usability; Website Management; WordPress basics; Excel; PowerPoint;

Presentation Skills

Creating and Delivering a Presentation; Client Presentations: create an effective presentation (e.g. an event pitch); Tailor your presentation to your audience; Demonstrate an awareness of the appropriate use of visual aids (including design considerations); Understand the vocal, verbal and visual aspects of a presentation (including the use of body language); Presentation Rules and Characteristics;

Course Real Life Brief Projects and Portfolios

The real life project briefs are an integral part of the course. Each course participant is given a range of real life project briefs throughout the course. The course projects are aimed at providing students with the confidence and ability to create, plan and manage events for any organisation. At the end of the course, participants will pitch their project to examiners, just like event managers would pitch to clients – “The Apprentice Style”.

Site Visits

During Fitzwilliam Institute’s Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management course you will visit many of Ireland’s top venues and meet Ireland’s leading events professionals, gaining invaluable industry insights and contacts.

The Live Event

Your practical skills training will culminate in the creation, planning, marketing, delivery and debriefing of a real life event, based in Dublin, for a real life client.

Interpersonal Skills

An original and special feature of the Fitzwilliam Institute’s course model is the time devoted to your personal development. Commencing with an initial personal interview with Fitzwilliam Institute’s placement officer to assess, discuss and establish your future goals and aspirations within the events industry, vital intensive interview techniques, communications skills, team building skills workshops, interview to camera, video playback, and presentation skills continue from this, enabling you to hone your industry confidence. Careful preparation of your Curriculum Vitae, so that you have a clear and well-presented CV to submit to potential employers is a key part of this essential process.

Practical Work Experience

During the second part of the course placements are arranged with companies and organisations that can give course participants practical experience in the work areas in which they want to develop their careers. This phase of the course is closely monitored with regular assessment visits being made to each student and host company supervisor. It is expected that a significant percentage of these placements will lead to full-time employment.

start date: 15 September 2025

The Postgraduate Event Management course I undertook at The Fitzwilliam Institute has not only been very enjoyable and exciting, it has provided me with the perfect platform to branch out into the world of event management. I received great assistance with sourcing my work placement. Over the 12 week period, I had the opportunity to plan events for a number of blue chip corporate companies and designed their events from start to finish. I gained invaluable hands on experience working on a wide variety of events. Both the course and the practical experience gained during my work placement have reinforced my choice of career in event management.

Aoife Martin

I highly recommend doing the PGD with PR and work experience because of the following reasons:

1.) It was a good fit for me. This programme was well suited to me as a mature student, looking to return to the workplace after a five year break. It was informative, relevant, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable.

 2.) It was a great learning experience - more than I expected. The course was very interactive and fast paced, with a great emphasis on practical skills - I retained what I learned by working together in peer groups on numerous practical projects. A great mix of students of different ages, experiences, backgrounds and strengths - This presented the opportunity to start building a network of event management contacts. The lecturers were all experts in their various fields and very supportive and interested in bringing out the best in each student. The lecturers drew examples from specific aspects of their work experiences, to bring their lecturers to life for us.

3.) The work experience offered as part of the programme was invaluable. Through my work experience on this course, I was able to identify that one of my strengths lies in working in logistics. My work experience took me abroad to work on and witness an event in the planning for several months unfold - A fantastic opportunity and unforgettable experience.

4.) Volunteering opportunities. We were given the opportunity to work as volunteers on a variety of charitable events from the very small lesser know ones to several very large, well known and publicised charitable events. This experience brought to life what we as students could possibly be involved with in the future.

5.) The right mix. This course had the right mix of perfect ingredients to make it the best course I have ever taken: brilliant lecturers, interested students, industry relevant information, practical projects, hands on work experience and with support throughout the entire programme from lecturers and peers. 

Maria Tappin


It has been nearly a year since I finished the Postgraduate Diploma Course with Fitzwilliam Institute Group and I cannot believe how quickly it has flown by and everything I have done since then! After 3 months of work experience, when I was able to put all that I had learned in the classroom into practice, I went straight into a job working for a great sport event management company.

Since then I have worked on numerous fantastic events including Sport Relief and with really high profile clients, including Nike and Sky. My time at Fitzwilliam Institute Group, learning from people who are already highly successful in the industry, was invaluable for giving me a solid base of knowledge and practical event experience and I honestly do not think I would be where I am now if I had not taken the course.

Nicole Wright


I would highly recommend taking the Fitzwilliam Institute Group Post Graduate Diploma as it is thorough, hands on and very comprehensive. I am currently doing work experience at Imagination (placement found by Fitzwilliam Institute) and have used all my skills from the course. Unlike other courses which focus purely on the theory, this diploma allows you to practise events on real live briefs. It is an invaluable experience and has taught me skills that are essential to all areas of events. The tutors are knowledgeable industry professionals who have worked in Events for years and have an array of experience behind them.  If you want to get into the world of events, this is the course for you.

Anais Bellemans


The practical elements of the course combined with the information imparted by the trainers means that the learning curve was steep but it has proved entirely true to real life and priceless during the course of my placement. It is intensive and hard work but 100% worth it and I would definitely encourage someone considering the course to go for it! 

Ishwarya Raghuveer

I am in Dubai and doing my internship for Quintessentially Events.  They are really good and treat me like one of their team members. I am going with them to every meeting they have and learning a lot from this. At the moment I am working on the Alexander Mc Queen trunk show and also preparing a presentation for a Lamborgini launch party in April.

Rania Sahraneshin

The Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management with Public Relations gives you a good understanding of the Events industry. The most beneficial part of the course for me was planning a real life charity event. This alone gives you great insight into how much time, effort and planning goes into an event. Additionally, the 3 month work placement is a vital part as you are able to get your foot in the door and get some hands on experience. Without completing this course I may not have the job I have today!


Lauren O'Hanlon

Since 2010, DublinTown have had the pleasure of hosting Digital Marketing, PR and Event Management students from Fitzwilliam Institute Group on work placement. We are responsible for the marketing of Dublin City Centre on behalf of 2,500 businesses and are the creators and organisers of the Dublin Fashion Festival, Dine in Dublin and the Dublin at Christmas campaign which includes many large public events to switch on the city’s Christmas lights. We are a small team so when we take on student interns they get to do real tasks during these important campaigns and events so we need our student interns to be highly trained on their given topics and ready to jump right into executing the campaigns. The Fitzwilliam Institute Group has never failed in sending us capable student interns which I believe comes from the training they receive on their courses. Where possible, we have employed student interns at the end of their placement, some are still with us and others have moved on to excellent positions in other companies and countries. - Marketing and Communications Director, DublinTown


start date: 15 September 2025

Criteria for eligibility must be met in full prior to commencing the programme. For successful enrollment on the Postgraduate Diploma course, the minimum entry requirement is a prior Degree level qualification.

On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Postgraduate Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management).

The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.

start date: 15 September 2025
next start date: 15th September 2025 (Monday)

Duration: 6 months (3 months in class & 3 months arranged work experience)

Venue: Dublin City Centre 

Course Fees: €4,140

To secure your place on the course a deposit of 20% (€830) is required. The remainder of the course fee balance (€3,310) is due 30 days prior to the commencement of the course. All fees must be paid before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.

Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

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Fitzwilliam Institute closes on Bank Holidays and for a number of days at Christmas and New Year. Fitzwilliam Institute reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter courses without notice or to change any of the details in this brochure. Fees are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by the Fitzwilliam Institute. Distance Learning courses are provided by Fitzwilliam Institute - BGLS Ltd.

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start date: 15 September 2025

Year on year, we successfully place our students into a 3-month organised work placement as part of their full-time Postgraduate Diploma. Over 95% of our participants end up in full time employment with their placement company, with many carving a long and rewarding career. A significant number of our past graduates are now senior figures in these industries today. See some of our most recent placement companies below and find out what they have to say.

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