Benefiting from over 30 years’ practical skills training experience, Fitzwilliam Institute’s Online Postgraduate Diploma in Cloud Migration course features:
Introduction to Cloud Computing
History of Cloud Computing; How Cloud Computing started; The companies behind the creation of Cloud Computing; What is the cloud? Defining the characteristics of the cloud; Cloud Service models; Cloud Deployment Models; Community and Hybrid Clouds;
Cloud Computing Architecture
Introduction to Cloud Computing Architecture; Horizontal and Vertical Scaling; Architectural Layers of Cloud Environments; Design Patterns; Assessing Design Patterns
Introduction to Virtualization; History of Virtualization; Virtualization vs; Abstraction; Resource Virtualization; The need for Virtualization; Benefits of Virtualization; Limitations of Virtualization; Virtualization Concepts and Definitions; Traditional and Contemporary Virtualization; Virtualization Uses;
Best Practices and Standards
Practices and Standards; Cloud Checklist; Cloud Contracts; Data Processing and Storage; Example Contract Clauses; Vendor Relationships; Standards Groups; The Distributed Management Task Force;
Cloud Computing Life Cycle
Computer Life Cycles; Cloud Life Cycle Differences; Implementing a Cloud Computing Life Cycle; Life Cycle Issues; Lifecycles and Security; Cloud service Lifecycle; Cloud Lifecycle Management; Adoption Lifecycle; Data Security Lifecycle; Systmes Development Lifecycle; Virtualization Lifecycle; Application Lifecycle;
Developing a Cloud Strategy
Strategic Analysis; Questioning Your Strategy; Maturity Models; Cloud Maturity Model; 6 Levels of Maturity; External Analysis; PEST; Porter's Five Forces; Porter's Diamond; Internal Analysis; Growth Share Matrix; Strategic Re-Alignment; SWOT Analysis;
Cloud Hardware and Software
Introduction to Cloud Hardware; Main Architecture; Typical Cloud Hardware; Memory; Disk and RAID; Network Cards; Cloud data Centres; Example of Cloud Hardware Providers; VMWare; Cisco Unified Computing System; Reasons for Cloud Software; Mobile Collaboration; Software Brittleness; Software Development Lifecycle; Software Security Experts; Software Based Encryption;
IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
Introduction to Infrastructure as a Service; SPI Model; The Value of Iaas; Building Blocks of IaaS; Enabling Technology for Iaas; Infrastructure Stack; Colocation; IaaS Hardware;
SaaS – Software as a Service
Introduction to Software as a Service; What is SaaS? History; Pricing; Architecture; Characteristics; Configuration and Customization; Collaborative Functionality; Adoption Drivers; Adoption Challenges; SaaS Agreements; Customization; Data Ownership; Security; SaaS Litigation; Service Level Agreements and SaaS, Uptime Guarantee; SaaS Case Studies; SaaS Vendors;
Other Cloud Services
XaaS; Dbaas; STaaS; SECaaS; DaaS; BPaaS; TEaaS; APIaaS; ITaaS; UCaaS;
Windows Azure
What is Windows Azure? Azure Concepts; Service Definition Files; Service Configuration Files; Service Packages; Preparing Your App; Before you Begin; How to Create a Cloud Service Using Quick Create; Azure Cloud Certificates; Deploying an Azure Cloud service;
Google Cloud
The Google Cloud; Google Cloud Features; What is Google App Engine? The Application Enviornment; The Sandbox; The Go Runtime Enviornment; The Java Runtime Enviornment; The Python Runtime Enviornment Storing Your Data; Google Accounts; Running an Application; Creating a Google App Engine Account; Accessing Your Live Application;
Amazon Web Services
Overview of Amazon Web Services; Sample Applications; Elastic Beanstalk; Using Amazon Machine Images for Cloud Testing; Creating and Using AMIs; Creating an AMI for Cloud Testing; Launching an Instance for Cloud Testing; Deleting an AMI for Cloud Testing; Deregistering an AMI for Cloud Testing; Snapshots;
Java and Cloud Computing
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming; Introduction to Java; History of Java Programming; What is Java; Java and Cloud Computing; Features of Java; Google App Engine and Java; Amazon Web Services and Java;
C# and Cloud Computing
Introduction to C#; History of C# Programming; What is C#? Common Language Infrastructure; Features of C#; C# and Cloud Computing; Amazon Web Services and C#
What is Hadoop? Starting with Hadoop; Installing Software; Hadoop Distributions; Preparing to Start a Hadoop Cluster; Standalone Operation; Pseudo-Distributed Operation; Installation of a Hadoop Cluster; Configuring the Hadoop Daemons; Real World Cluster Configurations; History Logging; Hadoop Rack Awareness; Startup and Shutdown;
Cloud Economics
Cloudonomics; Four Cornerstones of Cloud Economics; Unit Service Cost; Cloud Computing and Economic Growth; Cloud Computing and Unemployment;
Introduction to Cloud Security
Overview of Cloud Security; Cloud Security Alliance; Software Assurance Initiative; CIA Triad of Information System Security; Integrity; Availability; Cloud Security Services; Authentication; Authorization; Auditing; Accountability; Failsafe Security; Economy of Mechanism; Complete Mediation; Open Design; Least Common Mechanism; Weakest Link; Leveraging Existing Components; Secure Cloud Sofware Requirements; Secure Development Practices; Handling Data; Code Practices; Language Options; Input Validation and Content Injection; Monitoring Internal and External Requirements; NIST 33 Security Principles;
Cloud Governance
What is Cloud Governance? Managing the Cloud; IT Governance; Governing the Cloud; Deciding on a Governor; Imagining a Scenario; Knowing the Risks of Running in the Cloud; Compliance and Risk Measures; Understanding Risks; Deducing IT Risk; Monitoring and Measuring IT;
Risk Assessment
Cloud Computing Risk Issues; CIA Triad; Privacy and Compliance Risks; Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard; Information Privacy and Privacy Laws; Privacy Legislation; HIPAA; HITECH Act; Platform for Privacy Preferences;
Open Source Cloud Computing
Overview of Open Source Cloud Computing; Open Source Fundamentals; Open Cloud Groups; Open Cloud Consortium; Open Science Data Cloud; Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum; Cloud Standards; The Open Group; Open Grid Forum; Open Cloud Technologies; Cloud Interfaces; Hypervisors; Open Cloud Platforms;
Introduction to Cloud Testing; Testing for Software Quality Assurance; ISO 9126-1 Software Quality Model; Security Testing; Box Testing; Fault Injection; Source Code Fault Injection; Binary Fault Injection;
Business Value Measurements
Measuring the Business Value of IT; Business Value Metrics; Federal Cloud Use;
Business Process Management
Business Process Management Defined; The Three Dimensions of Business Process Management; Business Process Management Technology; The Business Drivers of Business Process Management; The Business Imperatives;
Cloud Computing Resources
Cloud Computing Case Studies; Cloud Computing Useful Links; Cloud Computing Providers; Cloud Computing Pricing Matrix;
Cloud Computing in the Future
Overview of Future Developments in Cloud Computing;
Doing Business on the Internet
Doing Business on the Internet; Incorporating the Web into your Overall Business Plan; Become an Authority; Web Marketing and ROI; Website Tips to Influence Your Customers; The Benefits of Online Marketing; The Marketing Mix; The '4Ps'; Online Marketing Planning; Reaching your Existing Client Base Online; Web Marketing Essentials for a Successful Web Marketing Campaign; Creating a Web Marketing Plan; SMART Goals; Website Planning Forms; Your Website's Purpose; Key Concepts in Internet Technology; Business Models on the Internet; Online Market Research;
Website Creation
The E-Commerce module is broken down into two sections; The first one deals with the Theory of E-Commerce and how to set up an E-Commerce solution for a business; It also goes into some detail on the various types of E-Commerce; The second section deals with web site design; This covers HTML, XHTML and CSS and serves as an introduction to web site design and development;
The Theory of E-Commerce
What is e-commerce?; Definitions; Advantages of e-commerce; Limitations of e-commerce; The 1st and 2nd waves of e-commerce; Categories of e-commerce; Methods of accepting payments online; Working with PayPal; Electronic Wallets; Metered Payments; Off the shelf e-commerce solutions;
Introduction to Web Site Design
What is HTML?; The structure of a HTML web page; Introduction to HTML Tags; The <html>, <head>, <body> and <title> Tags; Creating a basic HTML web page; Working with text; Basic formatting – the <b>, <i> and <u> Tags; Other formatting Tags – the <p> Tag and the Heading Tags; HTML Attributes; Working with Hyperlinks; Using colour in a web page; Working with Images; Formatting images for the web; HTML Lists – ordered Lists, Unordered Lists and Definition Lists; Creating Tables in HTML; Formatting Tables;
What is XHTML? Why XHTML is important; Differences between HTML and XHTML;
What is CSS?; How does CSS work?; The three types of Cascading Style Sheets – In-Line CSS, Internal CSS and External CSS; Examples of formatting using CSS; Linking a web page to an external CSS page; Formatting the page with CSS; Font and Text formatting; Working with Links;
Introduction, PHP Basics, String Processing and Regular Expressions, Comparing Strings, Regular Expressions, Form Processing and Business Logic, Connecting to a Database, Using Cookies, Dynamic Content, Operator Precedence Chart;
Human Computer Interaction
Introduction to Human Computer Interaction (HCI); Nature of User; User Groups; Computer Skills and Knowledge; Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Users; Impact of HCI on Design; Ability; Age; User Design Guidelines for Impairments Due to Age; Young User Characteristics; Disabilities; Culture; Cognitive Processes; Constructive Visual Perception; Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization; Ecological Visual Perception; Miller's Chunking Concept;
Software Engineering
Introdcutino to Software Engineering; The Software Lifecycle; IOS/IEC 12207; Lifecycle Activities; Analysis, Design, Construction and Implementation; Software Life Cycle Models; Code and Fix; Waterfall Model; V Model; Incremental Model; Boehm's Spiral Model; Capability Maturity Model;
Setting Up & Marketing Your Own Consultancy
The Business Plan, Creating a Business Plan, Executive Summary, the Business Opportunity, Marketing & Sales Strategy, Management Team & Personnel, Operations, Financial Forecasts, Presentation, Legalities, Choosing a Legal Structure, Taxes, Records and Returns, Setting Up, the Workplace, Office Equipment, Stationary Supplies, Insurance, Financing Your Business, Accounting Software, Becoming an Employer, Marketing Strategy, Knowing Your Competitors, Promotional Tools;
Presentation Skills
Preparation, Content, Structure, Delivery, Visual Aids, Management of Locations and Audiences;
Criteria for eligibility must be met in full prior to commencing the programme. For successful enrollment on the Postgraduate Diploma course, the minimum entry requirement is a prior Degree level qualification.
On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Postgraduate Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management). As this is a professional qualification, it does not fall under the NFQ framework or carry academic credits.
The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.
Duration: You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for two calendar years. However, you can complete the course in as little as 1 year, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.
Course Fees: 1595.00 EUR
To secure your place on the course the full fee is required. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.
Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
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