Benefiting from over 30 years’ practical skills training experience, Fitzwilliam Institute’s Online Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations Writing course features:
The Meaning and Development of Public Relations
Definitions of Public Relations; PRs relationship with other Functions/Professions; Advertising; Marketing, etc.; History and Development of Public Relations; The Future of Public Relations;
Public Relations Strategy
How to create a Six Point PR Plan; PR Campaigns; Client Interaction;
Public Relations Sectors and Media Specialisations
PR Specialisations; B2B; Corporate PR; Consumer PR; Voluntary Sector; Environmental PR; Case Study Examples;
Public Relations Audience
Who to target; How to target PR towards your chosen audience;
Ethical and Legal Issues
The Principle Ethical Codes which underpin the practice of Public Relations; Legal Issues in Public Relations; Copyright; Libel; Slander; Freedom of Information;
Media Relations
How to Segment Audiences; Serving the Client/Organising and serving the Media; The Readership Profile; Media lists; The role of Press Releases in Public Relations; Creating angles in Press Releases; Identifying the news angle in a story; The role of Photography; The ethics of Media Relations; Evaluating Media Relations; Media Monitoring;
Press Events
Press Related Events; Planning Press Events; Creating a Press Kit;
Media Writing
Introduction to Media Writing; Grammar; Pre-writing; Writing; Re-writing;
Press Release Writing
Writing a Press Release; What is a Press Release? What Makes a Good Press Release? Press Release Construction; Writing Style; Presentation; Typical Layout of a Press Release; Targeting the Media; Journalists Use of Press Releases;
Writing for Print Media
Design for Print Media; Style Guides; Writing for the Press; News Writing Skills; Interview Skills; News Releases; Feature Articles;
Writing for Broadcast Media
Writing for Radio; Writing for Television;
Crisis Management
Definitions and Typologies of Crises; The Crisis Management Plan and Crisis Management Team; Communicating in a Crisis; The Aftermath of a Crisis; Reputation Management; Writing a Holding Statement;
Political Lobbying
Interest Groups and Lobbying; How to Influence Public Policy; Planning and Managing Lobbying Campaigns; The role of Coalitions; Public Affairs; Integrating Lobbying and Media Campaigns; Involving the Public in Lobbying Campaigns;
Sponsorship and Community Relations
Definitions and Historical Development of the Sponsorship Market; Why Organisations engage in Sponsorship; Using Sponsorship to Target particular Publics; What can be Sponsored? The fit between the Sponsor and the Sponsored; The Sponsorship Proposal; How Sponsorships fits in to wider Public Relations Campaigns; Evaluating Sponsorships; Why Organisations Engage in Community Relations; The Range of CR Activities;
Online Public Relations
The Internet as a Media
Commercial Implications of the Internet; Social Interaction with the Internet; Web 2;0 and its Implications; Internet Convergence; the Network Effect; Internet Information Exchange; Internet Audience Size and Exposure; Internet Culture and Communication; Transparency and the Internet;
Online PR Building Blocks
Online Communications Platforms; Online Communication Channels; Online Communication Mediums; Interactivity and Application of Communication Channels; Policy; Optimisation; Monitoring and Evaluation of Online Communications Channels; Online Communications Channels Planning and Implementation;
Social Media and PR Strategy
Local versus Global Communication; Landscaping Platforms; Channels and context; Online PR Organisational Analysis and Segmentation; Developing Online PR Strategies; Online PR Tactics and SEO considerations; Online PR Planning; Managing Online PR Risk and Opportunities;
Online Influences on Present PR Practices
Internet influence on News; Internet Journalists; Economics of Online News Production; Internet Critics and other influences; the PR Practitioner as an Online Publisher; Ethical Internet PR; Truthfulness and Duty of Care; Online Ethics; Debate; Guidelines and Best Practice; Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Media Discourse; Trends and Value; Policy Influences; corporate speak; Implications of Social Media for Corporate Social Responsibility;
Doing Business on the Internet
The Benefits of Digital Marketing; Doing Business on the Internet; Online Marketing Planning; Key Concepts in Internet Technology; Online Market Research;
Promoting Your Website
Promoting Your Website; Online Promotion Techniques; Web 2.0; Services and Applications; Effective Email Marketing; Email Marketing with Newsletters; Online Advertising;
Writing for the Web
Creative Writing for the Web; Writing for your Client; Relevant Content - Importance of; Simple versus Complex Messages; Keeping a Natural Flow to your Content; Optimising Content; Keyword Management; When to use Key Words; Ratio of Prose to Keywords; Importance of Homepage Content; Images and Art Text; Importance of Spell Checking; Using a Copywriter;
Copyright and Outsourcing
Copyright on the Web; Open source and Creative Commons; Outsourcing;
Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Snapchat; Instagram; LinkedIn; Blogs and Blogger; Social Bookmarking; Running a Social Media Marketing Campaign; Measuring the Success of Social Media Marketing;
What is Facebook; Who uses Facebook; How can Facebook benefit a business; Understanding the Facebook environment; Signing up for a Facebook account; Defining your profile; Editing your profile; Searching for and adding friends; Using the Facebook Wall feature; Using pictures on your Facebook profile; Using the News Feed feature; Controlling what people see – using the Hide feature; Facebook Messaging; Facebook Groups; Facebook Links; Facebook Applications; Browsing for Applications; Including Business Applications; Finding Help – the Facebook Community; The Architecture of a Facebook Page; Understanding Facebook Advertising; Developing a Facebook Marketing Plan; Facebook Groups; Hosting Facebook Events; Case Study Sites;
Introduction to Twitter; Understanding a Tweet; Decoding the elements of a Tweet; Signing up for a Twitter account; Creating and modifying your profile; Adding a profile icon; Finding people and uploading contacts; Following someone on Twitter; Adding followers to your account; Using Twitter Badges; Creating a Tweet; Working within the constraints of a Tweet – getting your message out in 140 characters or less; Re-tweeting; Sharing Links – Using; Using Twitter with Mobile Devices; Using Twitter Goodies; Adding Twitter to Blogs; Connecting Twitter to Facebook; Direct Messages; Planning your Twitter Marketing Strategy; Building a Twitter Tribe; Case Study Sites;
Introduction to YouTube; Understanding YouTube; Browsing on YouTube; YouTube as a social media site; YouTube as a business tool; YouTube as an educational tool; Creating a YouTube account; Linking to your Gmail account; Creating a video for YouTube; Using Open Source Video Editing Software; Adding voiceovers; soundtracks and special effects to your videos; Formatting Videos for Uploading; Uploading Videos to YouTube; Downloading videos from YouTube; Linking and Embedding videos in your own website; Posting comments on other people’s videos; Comparing YouTube and Facebook; Sharing Videos with Facebook; Sharing Videos with Twitter; Case Study Sites;
Blogs and Blogger
Introduction to Blogs; A brief history of Blogs and Blogging; Creating a Blog – Introduction to Blogger; Registering with Blogger and creating your first Blog; Creating good content for your Blog; Using Templates to format the appearance of your Blog; Publishing your Blog; Uploading pictures and videos to your Blog; Creating links with other Bloggers; Making people aware of your Blog; The use of RSS; Adding an RSS Feed to your Blog; Adding Gadgets to your Blogger account; Comparing Blogger and Wordpress; Using other Blog software; Case Study Sites;
Website Creation
The E-Commerce module is broken down into two sections; The first one deals with the Theory of E-Commerce and how to set up an E-Commerce solution for a business; It also goes into some detail on the various types of E-Commerce; The second section deals with web site design; This covers HTML; XHTML and CSS and serves as an introduction to web site design and development;
The Theory of E-Commerce
What is e-commerce? Definitions; Advantages of e-commerce; Limitations of e-commerce; The 1st and 2nd waves of e-commerce; Categories of e-commerce; Methods of accepting payments online; Working with PayPal; Electronic Wallets; Metered Payments; Off the shelf e-commerce solutions;
Introduction to Web Site Design
What is HTML? The structure of a HTML web page; Introduction to HTML Tags; The html; head; body; and title; Tags; Creating a basic HTML web page; Working with text; Basic formatting; the b; i; and u; Tags; Other formatting Tags; the p Tag and the Heading Tags; HTML Attributes; Working with Hyperlinks; Using colour in a web page; Working with Images; Formatting images for the web; HTML Lists; ordered Lists; Unordered Lists and Definition Lists; Creating Tables in HTML; Formatting Tables;
What is XHTML? Why XHTML is important; Differences between HTML and XHTML;
What is CSS?; How does CSS work?; The three types of Cascading Style Sheets; In-Line CSS; Internal CSS and External CSS; Examples of formatting using CSS; Linking a web page to an external CSS page; Formatting the page with CSS; Font and Text formatting; Working with Links;
Setting Up and Marketing Your Own Consultancy
The Business Plan; Creating a Business Plan; Executive Summary; the Business Opportunity; Marketing & Sales Strategy; Management Team & Personnel; Operations; Financial Forecasts; Presentation; Legalities; Choosing a Legal Structure; Taxes; Records and Returns; Setting Up; the Workplace; Office Equipment; Stationary Supplies; Insurance; Financing Your Business; Accounting Software; Becoming an Employer; Marketing Strategy; Knowing Your Competitors; Promotional Tools;
Presentation Skills
Preparation; Content; Structure; Delivery; Visual Aids; Management of Locations and Audiences;
Fitzwilliam Institute provided me with the practical skills and knowledge I required to pursue my career in Public Relations and Event Management. I cannot recommend the institute enough to students who wish to come out of the classroom knowing they have been prepared and trained to succeed in their chosen area. I have now returned to complete a Diploma in Digital Marketing. - Emma Walker, Cullen Communications
If anyone is looking to pursue a career in Public Relations, the Fitzwilliam Institute is a brilliant foot in the door into this intensely competitive industry. After completing the PR & Event Management post-grad I went on to become an AE in one of Ireland's biggest PR agencies, PSG. After over a year here I have recently moved to become the Brand Communications Manager of Publicis in Dublin, a worldwide Advertising agency. Before I entered Fitzwilliam I was a fresh-faced recent Bachelor's graduate, ensure of what I wanted to do next. I know now that choosing to undergo the Fitzwilliam postgrad was what opened that all important first door for me into the Marketing Industry. - Rob Kenny, Publicis
Criteria for eligibility must be met in full prior to commencing the programme. For successful enrollment on the Postgraduate Diploma course, the minimum entry requirement is a prior Degree level qualification.
On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Postgraduate Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management). As this is a professional qualification, it does not fall under the NFQ framework or carry academic credits.
The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.
Duration: You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for two calendar years. However, you can complete the course in as little as 1 year, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.
Course Fees: 1595.00 EUR
To secure your place on the course the full fee is required. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.
Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
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Fitzwilliam Institute closes on Bank Holidays and for a number of days at Christmas and New Year. Fitzwilliam Institute reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter courses without notice or to change any of the details in this brochure. Fees are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by Fitzwilliam Institute. Distance Learning courses are provided by Fitzwilliam Institute BGLS Ltd.
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